By Heather Bell
RADFORD – The Radford City School Board has chosen Real Synergy, LLC to lead the search for the next school superintendent.
“After reviewing and sharing information from the four proposals we received at our August meeting and hearing presentations from the three firms and the Virginia School Board Association at our September meeting, the RCPS School Board is confident that Dr. David Martin with Real Synergy, LLC is the right choice to help us select our next Superintendent,” said Radford City School Board Chair Jenny Riffe in a message to the school community. “Dr. Martin will be singularly focused on coaching and supporting the RCPS Board to create a search profile, interview, and hiring process that focuses on community input and engagement – both within RCPS and the larger Radford community – that is data driven, committed to communication and transparency, and all at an excellent price point.”
Former Superintendent Robert Graham resigned in June and is now the Superintendent of Pulaski County Public Schools. Dr. Roger Collins, former superintendent of Nelson County Schools, is serving as interim superintendent.
“Dr. Collins, our current Interim Superintendent, has a long and distinguished career within public schools, educating administrators and superintendents on the graduate level, as well as has previously contracted with search agencies such as Real Synergy, LLC,” Riffe said. “He is colleagues with members of each firm and is familiar with the association that presented to us and remains steadfast in his commitment to supporting the Board in finding our “perfect fit” for a permanent RCPS superintendent.”
“Information including, but not limited to, surveys, reports, and updates will be available on the RCPS website for our community to access, in a continuous effort to keep everyone informed of the progress being made and encouraging opportunities for participation,” Riffee concluded. “We look forward to working with Dr. Martin as he helps the RCPS School Board work with all our stakeholders to identify, interview, and hire our next superintendent.”