Hundreds of Highlanders charged across campus on April 12 during Radford University’s Take Back the Night rally.
Take Back the Night is an international event and nonprofit organization with the mission of ending sexual, relationship and domestic violence in all forms.
Radford University’s Substance Abuse and Violence Education Support (SAVES) organized the rally for the first time in years to raise awareness of campus sexual assault and break the stigma for those seeking support, said SAVES Director Kelly Rubin.
“SAVES was excited to revive the tradition,” Rubin said.
Prior to the march, more than 550 students, faculty and staff attended a program led by keynote speaker Tim Mousseau. Mousseau is a survivor of sexual assault and travels the United States to share his story.
“Tim provided a powerful message that hit home with a lot of our student’s own experiences,” Rubin said.
SAVES collaborated with Greek Life and the Student Government Association (SGA) to host Mousseau on behalf of Sexual Assault Awareness Week, Greek Week and the Consent campaign.
Throughout the event, advocates from SAVES, Student Counseling Services and the Women’s Resource Center were on hand to provide support for those seeking counsel.
— Mary Hardbarger