By Heather Bell
RADFORD – Community Life Church is raising funds to send 100,000 meals to children still recovering from the effects of hurricanes in Nicaragua, and organizers are hoping the community can help.
Pastors Rod and Renee Hidalgo of Community Life Church are leading the effort to help their Missions Partners and “dear friends” in Nicaragua, Pastor Earl Bowie and Verbo Church Ministries.
“Two years ago, Puerto Cabezas and the surrounding areas in Nicaragua experienced two devastating hurricanes,” said the Hidalgos in a written statement. “This was in addition to all the hardship of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The financial and practical needs in this area continue to be o-going, even two years later.
“Pastor Earl and Verbo Church Ministries operate several Feeding Centers in the area of Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, that serve hundreds of children and their families on a weekly basis in a large pavilion in the middle of a poverty-stricken neighborhood where kids can come to once a day for a hot meal,” the Hidalgos said. “We are partnering with Kids Around the World to pack 100,000 meals to send to Nicaragua. Our goal is to raise $31,000 which will provide enough ingredients to pack 100,000 meals and ship them to Nicaragua. Each meal costs $0.31. When you donate, these kids will receive nutritious meals: vitamins, veggies, rice, and lentils.”
In addition to financial contributions, Community Life is looking for more volunteers to help pack all the meals.
“We currently have around 160 volunteers signed up to help us pack these meals on December 16 and 17, and we could use around 220,” said Renee Hidalgo.
Anyone wanting to participate can contact the church or sign up at www.clife.church/nicaraguameals. Anyone who wants to support the mission financially can do so at katw.org/clife.