RADFORD – Radford City Police Department is advertising a list of found and unclaimed property currently being stored in the department’s evidence room.
If you have lost property and it matches the descriptions below, please call (540)731-3624 to identify and claim your property by March 31.
Items include: bicycles, wallets, backpacks, U.S. currency, cell phones, computers, firearms, flashlights, chainsaws, medical equipment, baby strollers and carriers, tobacco products, hygienic products, documents and paperwork, machetes, knives, personal defense devices, keys, purses, jewelry, coins, cameras, clothes, radios, electronics, fishing equipment, and construction materials/ equipment.
You must show proof of ownership or provide a detailed description of your property. All unclaimed property will be disposed of after April 1, 2023.
Radford News Journal staff report