Megan Doney
NRCC English Professor Megan Doney was recently selected as a participant in the National Endowment for the Humanities’ summer institute “Revisiting Religion and Place in Light of Environmental, Legal, and Indigenous Studies.”
Doney was one of only 26 people chosen to join the NEH program this summer.
The three-week residential institute for higher education faculty will be held at the University of Virginia from June 5-23, 2023, and organized by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy Demands Wisdom and the Religion, Race & Democracy Lab (RRD) at UVA.
“I hope to learn more about how other ways of critical theory and analysis can help us see common spaces through different lenses and give us ways to share those spaces in spite of differing values and beliefs,” said Doney.
According to the event’s website, “The Institute seeks to bring together 26 faculty and advanced graduate students in religious studies and related fields from across the United States for an immersive exploration of critical new perspectives on the theme of ‘place.’ ”
Doney has taught at NRCC since 2008. Her writing has been published in “Earth & Altar” and “Creative Nonfiction” and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She is currently working on an essay collection. She currently teaches ENG 111 College Composition I, ENG 112 College Composition II, and ENG 275 Women in Literature.
Submitted by NRCC