The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) has waived the following animal import requirements for owners and animals evacuating in the wake of Hurricane Dorian.
This waiver is temporary and will expire on September 30, 2019.
- Horses evacuated to Virginia with a negative Coggins test in the past 12 months will be admitted without an interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI), provided current Coggins paperwork accompanies the horse.
- Horses evacuated to Virginia without a Coggins test in the past 12 months will be admitted without an interstate CVI, provided they be allowed to return to their state of origin without a current Coggins or CVI. They must undergo Coggins testing if they remain in Virginia past September 30, 2019.
- All other animals evacuated to Virginia will be admitted without an interstate CVI provided they meet all import requirements if they remain in Virginia past September 30, 2019.
This waiver in no way requires that destination facilities waive any requirements. Evacuees should check with individual facilities for their requirements.
For a listing of state and privately operated equine sheltering facilities, please visit
Horse owners should call individual venues to see if they have availability. This list will help horse owners identify and locate resources that may be helpful. These resources are independent and VDACS has not inspected, vetted or contacted these individuals and does not assume responsibility for the conduct or actions of the individuals. Please note that some state park facilities may be closed due to the hurricane.
Virginia horse owners taking their horses to another state should check with the destination state for their requirements.
Please contact the VDACS’ Office of Veterinary Services with any questions at 804.786.2483.