RADFORD – From a tree lighting with caroling to the annual Christmas parade, the holiday season
events in Radford are being announced.
In what is considered the annual kick-off to the holiday season, the Radford Public Library will be hosting
the annual tree lighting at the library on Wednesday, Dec. 1, from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m.
Radford Coffee Company (RCC) will offer hot cocoa and cookies from the library parking lot prior to the
lighting of the tree.
“Thanks to our RPL Lamplighters for funding the refreshments from RCC,” the library announced.
Members of the Grove United Methodist Church Handbell Choir will perform music and will also lead
interactive handbell playing for little ones. Mayor David Horton will provide the countdown for the
magical tree lighting, and Santa will be on hand to flip the switch. The event will take place outside, rain
or shine. Those planning to attend should dress accordingly.
The following evening, Thursday, Dec. 2, Radford’s Holiday Parade, themed “Winter Nights and Magical
Lights,” will take place at 7 p.m. Line-up begins at 6 p.m. The parade route will line up on East Main
Street between Tyler Avenue and University Drive Bridge and proceed westward along Main Street to the
Central Square Shopping Center. Registration is underway, and the form can be found on the city’s
website, www.radfordva.gov.
On Dec. 11, the annual Handcrafted Holiday Pop-Up Market hosted by MountainTrotter Arts returns
from noon to 4 p.m. at Glencoe Mansion, Museum, and Gallery.
“The handcrafted market features one-of-a-kind and high quality handcrafted works by local artisans,
providing a perfect way to do all of your holiday shopping,” according to information released by
Glencoe and MountainTrotter Arts. “While shopping at the market, enjoy hot beverages, sweet treats, and
live holiday music.”
It will also be a great time to visit Glencoe’s Christmas display.
“Get even more into the spirit by stepping inside the Glencoe Mansion, Museum & Gallery to check out
the holiday display. This year, visitors will be transported through Virginia’s past into the present with the
museum’s “Christmas in Virginia” display.”
Glencoe Mansion is also home to Radford’s favorite gift shop, featuring a wide variety of items perfect for
giving this holiday season. The museum will also feature works by local artists in its gallery space for
even more great holiday gift-giving ideas.
The Handcrafted Holiday Pop-Up Market is hosted by MountainTrotter Arts and Glencoe Mansion,
Museum, and Gallery. The event and the museum are both open to the public. The event is free. In case
bad weather, the rain date will be Dec. 18.