Pam Dudding-Burch
Contributing writer

There is never a lack of creative ideas when Rick ‘CB’ Dudding plans a show, and this new one is no different. “It’s got to be a day of fun for these kids,” he exclaimed. “Everybody likes to see a kid smile.”
Last 2016, Dudding had his first Wheels 4 Kids Car Show where bringing a gift for a child was the only thing required to enter. The show ended up bringing in many gifts as well as financial resources to help buy Christmas gifts for kids in Craig County. Parents, especially those who needed some assistance, greatly appreciated the gesture.
Rick concluded the event by having Santa, his wife and some elves visit before the Annual Christmas Parade and give kids their gifts. They all got a chance to talk to Santa and have their pictures taken as well. It was difficult to count the smiles and giggles.
To kick off the summer, Dudding has now planned a ‘special’ event for kids in Craig on Saturday, July 8. The initial plans were to have a car (truck and motorcycle) show and swap meet with a day of fun and games at The Fairgrounds. The entries would receive nice trophies.
He has announced that the added ‘special event’ is a Power Wheels Car Show for kids only! All kids who have Power Wheels are encouraged to enter their little vehicle in the Power Wheels 4 Kids Show (no entry fees are charged). “The top three will be receiving a trophy,” Dudding said. “They need to have a little fun with their cars too!”
The Fairground Association and the Craig County Library are diligently working on helping to bring in some great games and a few surprises. There will be bouncy houses, exhibits, games, face painting, good food, music by Dave’s Live Sounds and more.
The entry fees are $15.00 for the Car/Truck/Motorcycle Show and $10.00 for the swap meet or craft vendor spot. Power Wheel Vehicles are FREE for all kids! Top 50 and Specialty Awards will be presented at 3 p.m. as well as the top three Power Wheels.

Also, a special demonstration will be held at noon by the Children’s Assistant Technologies. Representative Cathy Cummins, along with some children, will demonstrate power wheels that have been modified to fit kids with disabilities and/or loss of limbs.
“We have redesigned many vehicles for kids with special needs as this type of fun lets them feel like they ‘fit’ in with their peers,” she shared. “This is the kind of thing these parents are looking for…a chance for these kids to hang out with typical kids.”
She will have additional information for parents to be able to take with them. Cummins also shared that they are hoping to get on the Governor’s budget for 2018. “Check out our website ( as you will see that the cars are just a side item,” she said.
“We would really like to have a lot of craft vendors,” Dudding said. “I’d also like it if the churches would set up tables and have games for the kids.” Rick and the Fairground Association hope that this will be a day full of fun from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.
All entries, including car show, swap meet, vendors and power wheel kids, are asked to register in advance. “It’s not necessary, but we want to make sure we have the areas roped off for all who want to attend. Circle the date on your calendar and don’t miss it!” he said.
Join in with your crafts or goods you have for sale. “Let’s make a kid smile!” Dudding said with one himself. “It will make us adults feel a whole lot better too.” For more information contact Rick Dudding at (540) 330-2234 or Pam Dudding-Burch via email at
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