RADFORD – This summer, Radford University Art Museum will host the Radford Fine Arts Show, a juried exhibition of artwork from around Southwest Virginia.
The show offers awards and cash prizes and is open to all regional artists over 18 working in any media.
The submission deadline is May1 for the show, which will run from June 5 through August 5 in Radford University Art Museum’s Tyler Gallery, at 214 Tyler Avenue. The exhibit, reception, and award announcements will be held in the Tyler Gallery on June 9, 2023, from 5-7 p.m.
Museum Registrar Theresa Rykaczewski says the event has been widely successful in the past, thanks to support from the City of Radford as part of a collaborative partnership with Radford University.
“Events like this have the power to bring the everyone together,” Rykaczewski said, “helping us share a sense of pride to be artists, residents, business owners, and students who make up the fabric of our community.”
She added she would ideally like to see entries from each of the eligible counties, which range from Rockbridge in the north all the way down to Lee County in the far southwest of the state. The juror is Travis Head, Associate Professor of Drawing at Virginia Tech’s School of Visual Art.
Head said artists can focus on the creative process to the point that it’s easy to forget the importance of sharing their creations.
“It’s important for artists to get their work out of the studio,” said Head. “Shows like this give artists an opportunity to learn a little more about what they are up to if they remain open and receptive. It’s nice to be surprised by your own work when you see it from someone else’s perspective.”
More information and a prospectus on the show can be found at the Radford University Art Museum’s webpage.