Middle school students from the Beans and Rice, Inc.’s Life Afterschool program at John Dalton Intermediate School traveled to Belle Heth Elementary School Dec. 18 to perform “Santa’s Cookie Problem,” a light-hearted play in which Santa could not fit in his suit and thought that he had gained too much weight because he had eaten too many cookies.
In fact, his elves tricked him by having him try to get into Santa suits that were too small. In the end, the truth was revealed and lessons learned.
“After weeks of rehearsal and preparation, lines were remembered and laughter could be heard in the audience. Students designed the set, made the costumes, played all of the parts, and directed the play. Following the performance, Dalton students led everyone in singing ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’ and passed out cookie treats to students and teachers,” wrote Pam Whitesell, Program Director with Beans and Rice, Inc. announcing the event.
The Life Afterschool students practiced every day for two weeks before the performance. Ten Dalton students participated on the day of the play and three more helped in the preparation.
“This was the first play performance for this group. Success,” Whitesell said.
The Life Afterschool program is a 21st Century Community Learning Centers initiative, part of the only federal funding source dedicated exclusively to afterschool programs. Because most of the Dalton students had attended Belle Heath, they chose to perform there and Belle Heth has a Life Afterschool program too.
Life Afterschool program offers homework assistance and enrichment activities four days each week, a USDA snack and transportation home and is facilitated by the Radford non-profit, the Beans and Rice, Inc.
Beans and Rice, Inc. is a community development non-profit with offices in Radford and Pulaski. To volunteer with Beans and Rice, Inc, avail yourself of educational opportunities and support for parents and children, call Pam Whitesell at 540-980-4111.