Christiansburg High School classmates and spouses came together on Aug. 18 for their 60th Class Reunion.
Pictured are: Doris Richardson Epperly, Norma Tomlinson Carroll, Phyllis Overstreet McCormick, Paul Curtis, Barbara Sarver Linkous, June Johnson Flickinger, Lee Cochran, Fred Reese, Jr, Sandra Wimmer Chapin, Patti Adair O’Bryan, Charlsie James Rudd, Judy Williams Belcher, Peggy Epperly Smart, Robert Fisher, Phyllis Miles Sumner, Diana Lytton Mabry, Norma Jean Boyd Hurd, Leona Sowers Thompson, Thelma Sumner Cupp, Cecil Lytton, Henry Collins, Samuel Smithwick, Harold Shelton, Douglas Belcher, Ronald Dana Underwood.
Robert and Bonnie Fisher hosted the celebration at their Little Red Barn on Riner Road. Forty members, wives and husbands attended the function.
The walls were gaily decorated with CHS memorabilia. There was a memorial table honoring those deceased.