Bobcat Backpacks co-leader Jenny Riffe (right), also chairperson of the Radford City School Board, receives some of a donation of dozens of bags of oranges from Foodlion General Manager JD Jones (left) and Foodlion employee Oscar Gutierrez.
RADFORD – Since 2016, Bobcat Backpacks has been feeding kids in Radford every weekend by providing food to take home every Friday.
Each Friday, more than 150 children in Radford City Public Schools are given a bag of food to get them through the weekend. The bags include two breakfasts, two lunches, two dinners and snacks. The program also provides food and snack pantries at Belle Heth and Radford High schools.
In their own words
In January of 2016, an increased need for weekend food was identified by Radford City Public School principals and guidance counselors. The Bobcat Backpacks Program was created as an autonomous program run by community members who were willing and able to dedicate the time and energy to running a successful program. At that time, we served 65 students throughout all Radford City Schools.
The number of students served has increased to 150-plus students. The Bobcat Backpacks Program has been able to grow through the generosity of Radford City Schools, residents, businesses, grants, local churches, food drives, and Radford University.
The cost per week is about $1,350. Purchased food comes from the Radford Food Lion and Feeding America – Southwest Virginia, that are able to sell their food to us at a reduced cost. Housed at the Presbyterian Church of Radford, volunteers bag meals for 150+ Radford City Schools students every week.
As a part of Radford University’s Inauguration of President Hemphill, RU raised food items for the Bobcat Backpacks Program on its “Day of Service” initiative. The entire campus worked toward this goal together and were thrilled to be a part of this effort.
Our goal is to obtain funding to not only continue our program, through grants and donations, but to increase the number of children served as well as the nutritional value of the food provided.
As of June 2017, we have become a Radford City Schools Partners for Excellence Foundation – Partner Project. We are excited to work with the foundation for greater visibility and combined fundraising efforts. Donations can be made on our gofundme.com/BobcatBackpacks page or mailed to: RCPS Partners for Excellence Foundation, PO Box 355, Radford, VA 24143.
Staff report