Alpha Mu Master Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, Christiansburg, hosted a Ritual Night on March 21 at the Golden Corral for Beta Sigma Phi members from Pulaski and Radford. Alpha Mu Master President Kim Chiapetto and Vice President Cindy Koziol presided over the Rituals.
Julie Sexton, Radford Xi Tau Chapter, received the Laureate Degree and the Order of the Rose. The Laureate Degree is the fifth degree of Beta Sigma Phi. Eight years of active membership in the Preceptor degree and completion of eight years of program work are required to advance to the Laureate degree. The Order of the Rose is an honor designed to express the gratitude and esteem of a chapter toward an active member. To qualify for the Order of the Rose, a member must have been active for fifteen years.
Ann Adkins, Diane Gilmore and Martha Mannon, Radford Xi Tau Chapter, received The Torchbearer degree. Martha Mannon accepted the Posthumous Torchbearer degree on behalf of Sandy Cox. The degree for Sandy Cox was approved by the International Office of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority in Kansas City, Missouri. The Torchbearer Degree is the seventh and final degree of Beta Sigma Phi. Torchbearer recipients will serve as Beta Sigma Phi ambassadors and will be mentors for members who are progressing through various degrees.
Nancy Badillo and Cindy Koziol, Christiansburg Alpha Mu Master Chapter, received the Master degree. Garda Cox, Linda Hall, Mary Roop, Gertrude Thomas and Barbara Van Dyke, Pulaski Laureate Beta Pi Chapter, also received the Master degree. The Master degree is the sixth degree of Beta Sigma Phi. Ten years of active membership in the Laureate degree and completion of ten years of program work are required for advancement to the Master degree.
Nancy Badillo was pledged into the Beta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority in 1983 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She has held the offices of president, recording secretary and corresponding secretary, as well as served on numerous committees during her membership. She currently serves on the service and social committees. She has received the Order of the Rose, and is a Life Member of Beta Sigma Phi, having been a member for more than 25 years.
Cindy Koziol joined Beta Sigma Phi Sorority in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1973. She has held the offices of president, vice president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary and extension officer, as well as served on numerous committees during her membership. She currently serves as vice president and is on the membership, social, ways and means and yearbook committees. She has received the Order of the Rose, and is a Life Member of Beta Sigma Phi, having been a member for more than 25 years.
— Submitted by Joyce Morgan