A new choir is in town.
Radford University presents a different choral experience that includes both students and the local community. It begins rehearsing Jan. 23.
The brainchild of Meredith Bowen, assistant professor of music and director of the university’s choirs, it brings singers together in the spirit of ultimate community.
“Group singing is a powerful way to explore our humanity,” Bowen said. “It can connect us in physical, psychological and emotional ways like no other art can. The University Chorus is one way students and community members can come together to honor our humanity and to learn from each other.”
For community members interested in participating, previous choir experience is helpful. Participants will need to match pitch, follow their parts and be open to learning. Bowen said all should come with a desire to work hard.
This last requirement is due to the fact this chorus’s first performance is of Mozart’s “Requiem.” It is an iconic masterpiece with full orchestra and soloists that presents difficult passages of many moving notes in counterpoint.
“I chose Mozart’s ‘Requiem’ because it is such a beautiful work, and it gives us the opportunity to learn about art from the late 1700s through the lens of music,” Bowen said.
University students may opt for earning one credit for being part of the chorus. For community members, there is a $10 fee to participate.
Rehearsals are Mondays, 5:30-7:30 p.m., starting Jan. 23 in the choral rehearsal room in the Covington Center.
Mozart’s “Requiem” will be performed April 24 at the Performance Hall in the Covington Center.
For more information, please email Bowen at mbowen16@radford.edu. To learn more about the music program at Radford University, visit www.radford.edu/music.
— Submitted by Leslie King