Ruth Wallace made her official announcement that she’s seeking a fifth four-year term on the Botetourt County School Board representing the Amsterdam Election District. She qualified to be on the November 7 ballot earlier this year.
“Education has been my passion my entire life,” Wallace said in her announcement. “As a very young child, I was focused on becoming an educator and have devoted my own career and life to that end.
“I have been privileged to serve in a variety of capacities in my career culminating with serving on the School Board. My whole focus from the very beginning has been to make a difference and I continue to serve for that same reason,” she said.
“I am running again for the School Board because we are in the midst of many projects and decisions that have to be made and I believe in seeing things through to completion,” she said in her announcement. “We have worked long and hard to get to this point and I feel compelled to do my part to help make these all become a reality for our Botetourt students.”
Wallace, who lives in Daleville, noted that since she has been on the School Board, the school division “has made great strides and advancements for the students.
“I want to continue that,” she said. “Our school division is an exemplary school division with a very dedicated staff who believe in what we are doing. Our students are excelling above and beyond across the board. We offer a wide variety of programs throughout the K-12 experience to meet the needs of all children and prepare them for their life long careers.”
Wallace continued, “We have expanded our academic programs and offer a large number of dual enrollment classes for our students to get a head start on their college coursework.
“It can save our parents a lot of money and our students enter college quite often as a sophomore or junior with a tremendous opportunity to not only complete their bachelor’s degree, but pursue further degrees in a shorter period of time.
“Of course, all this depends on the college or university that the student chooses to attend,” she continued. “We, as a board, have no control over what is accepted and not accepted at the various higher education institutions.
“What we do know is that those students who do participate may get some of those to transfer, but the fact that our students have done well in those classes is an indicator that they are truly university material and are accepted into the programs,” Wallace added. “The rigors of such courses prepare the student for what is to come once they leave high school. Our job is to make available every opportunity possible for our students, despite any limitations that may be realized. There is still much to be learned through it all.”
Wallace said there are opportunities available to attend Governor’s Schools for those who excel in the math and science areas.
“We have two such opportunities for our students to choose from and both are phenomenal places to learn. There’s the Jackson River Governor’s School and the Roanoke Valley Governor’s School,” she said. “I chair the Roanoke Valley Governor’s School Board and the accomplishments of our students in both of these programs is amazing. We are blessed to have such schools available to our students.”
Wallace said the Botetourt Technical Education Center (BTEC) program has been expanded for those students entering the world of work.
“We prepare our students for jobs ready and waiting for them upon graduation. We have partnered with many businesses and industries in our locale and they are working with us to help our students achieve in high school and be ready to assume full-time employment in their chosen field upon graduation,” Wallace said.
“Our Botetourt Educational Foundation has been a major source for helping big time with these programs,” she said, calling the foundation “A great asset to our community.
“These programs are great for any student and especially for those going on to college Learning a trade or skill is never worthless, but always an addition to your resume.
“We offer a STEM-H program that prepares our students for opportunities in the world today that were not available even five years ago,” she continued. “So many new jobs that students can be trained for and then continue on to further their education, if so desired.
Wallace said many new worlds are opening up to Botetourt students in preparation for all that the 21st Century offers. “This program is similar to the offerings at the Governor’s School and is available right here in our own Botetourt schools. More students can take advantage of these high level opportunities, which can lead to scholarships and entrance into top level colleges and universities.
She continued, “Our agriculture interests have grown and now new opportunities are in the works for our students beyond the regular science classes and FFA clubs. We are working with the county leadership to incorporate agriculture in the northern part of our county as an extension of our curriculum and life-long careers may becoming a reality for many.”
Wallace said the school division offers a wide variety of special classes for students who have limited capabilities and yet can succeed in a variety of different ways including graduation.
“All students have an opportunity to grow and excel as they become educated in classes that meet their specific needs,” she said. “We are helping them become productive citizens of our community. Every child has the right to an education and we work hard to ensure opportunities are available.
“We’ve accomplished so much and yet there’s a lot more to do and we are planning to continue making our school division a very special place to learn,” Wallace said. “We are working very closely with our Botetourt County Board of Supervisors in a joint effort to continue to move Botetourt to the forefront in all aspects of community life.
“I ask you to continue to support me as your representative for another term to continue on with those projects we so desperately need to complete,” her announcement said. “It is our goal that your students can compete with the rest of them for jobs, seats in higher learning institutions, and opportunities that are available in our own Botetourt County as we move forward together.
“I am not one to start something and not finish it. Since we are on the brink of so many wonderful opportunities for our students, I feel compelled to stay on and see these projects through to fruition,” she said. “In order to do that, I need your help. I have been honored to serve you and will continue to do so with your support in the November election.”
She said in her announcement, “Remember, it’s as simple as A.B.C., Amsterdam’s Best Choice.”
For more information, visit her Facebook page at: Ruth Wallace Amsterdam’s Best Choice.
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