Photos by Lori Graham
Lori Graham
Contributing Writer
Volunteers from Montgomery County and the City of Radford gathered on Feb. 9 to make valentines for local veteran patients in a Volunteer Montgomery event.
“Every year, members of Volunteer Montgomery participate in the National Salute to Veteran Patients by crafting valentines for the VA Medical Center and Virginia Veterans Care Center in Salem,” Mandy Hayes, Volunteer Montgomery Coordinator said. “This year, 19 volunteers of all ages gathered at our office on Friday, Feb. 9 and made 490 valentines for veterans.”

The valentine-making volunteers joined together at the Montgomery County office at 210 South Pepper Street, Suite D, in Christiansburg from 10-12 p.m. According to the Director of Human Services, the event has been going on for over 10 years and welcomes volunteers of all ages.
“This worked out great as schools were out for a teacher workday, so many of our younger volunteers were able to participate as well. If folks weren’t able to make it out to craft day but wanted to participate, we welcomed them to make the valentines independently and drop them off at our office prior to the ninth,” Strickler said.
After the almost 500 valentines were completed, volunteer Taska Bailey then delivered the cards to the two locations in Salem for staff to share with the veteran patients at the facilities.
“We would like to thank Volunteer Montgomery Volunteer Taska Bailey for delivering the cards this year,” Hayes said.