Karen Baker, candidate for the Ninth Congressional District, gather with members of the United Mine Workers of America.
The United Mine Workers of America are endorsing Karen Baker’s candidacy for the Ninth Congressional District.
The UMWA, which represents the interests of miners and their families, has recognized Baker as a “champion for the issues that matter most to their members” according to a statement.
Baker’s background as an associate member of the UMWA and her involvement in advocacy work against the Moss 3 Landfill in Russell County “demonstrates her deep connection to the coalfields region and her commitment to environmental and labor issues.”
Baker expressed her gratitude for the endorsement.
“I am honored to receive the support of the United Mine Workers of America,” she said. “The men and women of the UMWA are the backbone of Southwest Virginia, and I am committed to fighting for their black lung benefits and pension and ensuring that their voices are heard in Washington.”
James Gibbs, International Vice President At-Large of the United Mine Workers of America said he is confident Baker will represent the UMWA’s interests.
“I’ve spent a lot of time with Karen Baker and I know she can do the work,” he said. “She is an outstanding candidate who cares about the coalfields region and our coal miners. I am confident that she will fight for us, unlike our current congressman.”
“Every time I see our miners, I ask them: Can you tell me one thing? One thing that Morgan Griffith has done for our union or for our coal miners? And they can’t tell me,” Gibbs told his members at recent meeting.
“Every time the mine workers put their heads together, anything is possible,” Gibbs added. “Y’all know we can get this thing done in these six coal counties. We have power and we have people. We will win this thing.”
Staff report