The Meadowbrook Public Library is offering a Beginning Genealogy Program on Saturday, Oct. 14 at 1 p.m. and Oct. 21 at 1 p.m. there will be a hands-on genealogy research training in the computer lab.
Corina Burner, who has a degree in Family History, a long-time genealogy researcher, and volunteer with the Montgomery Museum, will present the basics of genealogy.
The Montgomery Museum is currently hosting a genealogy workshop that happens on Wednesdays through October.
“That sparked a lot of interest,” Burner said. “It just happened to coincide. I think it’s great for all the communities to have that resource.”
Janet Wren, Assistant Branch Supervisor at Meadowbrook Public Library, organized the program at Meadowbrook.
“We’d done this several years ago and Corina is a wealth of information,” Cindy Minnick, Meadowbrook Branch Manager said.
“I think there is a lot of interest in where you come from. Genealogy is one of the fastest growing hobbies, if you will. There’s just a lot of history here. Old history. It’s neat to be part of that history.”
Burner has discovered that her family is from England and her mother’s line ties in to Shawsville and southwest Virginia.
“Genealogy is something I absolutely love and have for many years. And being able to help other people find their ancestors brings me a great deal of satisfaction. I get as excited about other people’s ancestors as I do about my own!”
While it’s not necessary to attend both Saturdays, Corina will show how to work with some of the online genealogy databases that search for and help a researcher manage information.
Space for the computer day is limited. Please come into the Meadowbrook Library to register or call 540-268-1964.