Photos courtesy of Pathways for Radford
Heather Bell
RADFORD – The theft of several trees disappointed volunteers who annually come together to plant trees along Sundell Drive in honor of Arbor Day, but they did not let the bad behavior dampen their spirits for long.
“Fifteen folks came out to plant 10 Redbuds along Sundell Drive for the 17th Annual Redbud planting,” said Pathways for Radford member Laurie Buchwald in a Facebook post. “Thievery had us planting only five, but we were an enthusiastic crew none the less. Thanks, Pathways for Radford, the City of Radford, and the leadership of Wilson Rankin.”
Pathways for Radford President Liz Altieri said the theft is a low blow, but it will not deter them from their work.
“All the volunteers who came out to plant the trees were disgusted and appalled,” she said Monday. “It seems particularly low to steal from a community improvement project. We are very proud of the Redbuds we have planted along Sundell over the last 16 years and how beautiful the road is in the spring.”
Altieri said the City of Radford public works department set the trees out late Thursday afternoon, April 27.
“They were set out early due to the forecast bad weather on Friday,” she said. “The trees have been put out early every year and we have never had a problem. These were impressive large trees with a value of approximately $75 apiece. Pathways for Radford made a significant contribution to the City of Radford toward the cost of the trees.”
Buchwald said the police department is investigating the theft and the response from the community has been very supportive.
“We have been planting annually for 17 years and the results have beautified the city,” she said. “So many people comment about how much they love traveling on Sundell in the spring. Those who participated on Saturday were stunned and angry. It just seems so despicable. I shared the news on my FB page and asked folks to share and boy did they – 57 times! People are furious and disgusted. Some have even offered to donate money to replace the trees.”
Pathways for Radford is a community group of volunteers founded more than 20 years ago to “promote the development, maintenance, and enhancement of a network of bikeways/walkways” in the City of Radford. The group was integral to the creation of the bikeway/walkway systems in Bissset Park, along the New River, in Wildwood Park and along Sundell Drive.
Anyone with information about the tree theft can contact the non-emergency Radford Police Department line at 540-731-3624.