Richard “Dickie” Palmer
Heather Bell
FLOYD – After nearly 23 years, a suspect has finally been named in the homicide of Richard “Dickie” Palmer, a former photographer for the News Messenger and Radford News Journal.
The announcement was recently made by the Virginia State Police.
“On April 22, 2003, the body of Richard “Dickie” Palmer was found in his Chevrolet pickup truck along with the remains of his dog, a red Australian Heeler named Rufus,” the VSP announced Jan. 21. “The pickup was found on 12th 1/2 Street, SW, at Perry Park in the City of Roanoke.”
“The City of Roanoke Police Department initiated an investigation into what was believed to have been a homicide,” the announcement continued. “Preliminary investigation determined Palmer was transported to the location in Roanoke after being killed. Floyd County Sheriff’s Office responded to Palmer’s residence in Riner the following day where blood was reportedly found in the yard by a family member. The Floyd County Sheriff’s Office requested the Virginia State Police, Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Salem Field Office, to become the lead investigating agency once it was determined the homicide did not occur in Roanoke, but at the Palmer residence in Riner.”
Floyd County Commonwealth’s Attorney Eric Branscom has submitted indictments to and received true bills from the Floyd County Grand Jury for the person allegedly responsible for Palmer’s homicide. At press time, the defendant has not yet been named, but the VSP said there is no danger to the public because the suspect is currently incarcerated for unrelated charges.
“After 21 years, it is incredibly satisfying to provide answers to the Palmer family in the brutal murder of Dickie,” said Senior Special Agent Douglas R. Hubert, (VSP, BCI-GIS Salem).
“Special thanks for the diligent efforts of the Virginia State Police to develop the evidence necessary in this case to proceed with charges,” said Branscom. “Special Agent Hubert and Special Agent Cromer completed the investigation started so many years ago by the Virginia State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation.”
Agencies involved in the investigation include the Virginia State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Virginia State Police Unsolved Violent Crimes and Cold Case Analytical Support Team, Office of the Attorney General Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) grant, the Floyd County Sheriff’s Office, The City of Roanoke Police Department and Texas Department of Public Safety Texas Ranger Division.