RADFORD – The winning photo in the Radford Photo Club’s Festivities challenge for January was taken at the Radford Street Festival by Charles Lynch of Christiansburg. The performance troupe is called Fluidity.
For the open competition, Michele Borgarelli of Blacksburg captured the comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS over Crater Lake in Oregon, photographed from Cloudcap overlook.
“It was a perfect night for capturing this image because a full moon provided soft light for the breathtaking scenery from one side,” Borgarelli said.
The Radford Photo Club’s next meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Feb. 20 at the Radford Public Library. Josh Lockridge of Fairlawn will talk about event photography. The photo challenge is What Brings You Joy. There is also an open topic challenge.
The Radford Photo Club is made up of professional and amateur photographers from throughout the New River Valley. Meetings, events, and outings are open to the public. If you have questions about the club, email Joyce Crowder at joycecrowder2@icloud.com, Michele Borgarelli at mborgarelli@gmail.com, or Tracy Burlingame at Tracylb3870@gmail.com.
Radford Photo Club