RADFORD – The Jim Graham Community Garden in Radford will be enjoying its fifteenth year this upcoming growing season and sign-ups will begin in the coming weeks.
The Garden is located near the Radford Pump Station on Pulaski Street. The site has a six-foot fence enclosing it, has a gate that is locked at all times, and sufficient space for the current size of 42 plots.
Gardeners who sign for a plot are given a Rules and Regulations document which defines their responsibilities in great detail as is necessary in such an undertaking. The plots cost $20 for the 20 x 20-foot size and $10 for the 20 x 10-foot size with the income providing for plowing in the fall, tilling just before the planting season, and any necessary clean up after the growing season.
Many of the same gardeners have been in the Community Garden for years and a comradery exists as they all have a common interest. A variety of vegetables is grown each year with tomatoes, green beans, and various greens being the most popular. Sign up for the 2024 gardening season will begin on March 11, 2024 in the Radford Administration Office. Plots are assigned in the order of sign up with priority given to those who previously had a plot.
Graham started the garden in 2010. When city council changed the name in honor of Graham, the proclamation read, in part:
“The Radford Community Garden began in 2010 at what is now the New River sports complex with 10 plots, and initially there were a limited number of 20-by-20 [foot]plots, but over time the garden has grown to have over 40 plots ranging in sizes,” the council resolution read. “The garden moved locations to Pulaski Avenue in 2013 and is now contained in a fenced in area with a combination lock given to all gardeners.”
“Jim Graham has served as the Community Garden Coordinator for years and invested time and effort to ensuring the success of the Radford Community Garden; and the atmosphere and success of the Community Garden can be attributed to Jim,” it continues. “The garden has been a great place to meet like-minded citizens, make new friends, raise healthy vegetables and be outside along the New River. The Community Garden is truly a community where gardeners share a wheelbarrow and hand plow, as well as tips and tricks of the trade when gardening, and Jim Graham has been the face of the Radford Community Garden, promoting and growing the garden over the last 13 years.”
Submitted by Rick Slavings