By Heather Bell
RADFORD – Sidewalks along the downtown business district of West Main Street will soon be replaced
with wider, ADA-compliant sidewalks.
The project is set to begin in the coming weeks.
At the Radford City Council’s most recent meeting, held July 12, council unanimously approved the
$166,830 needed for the project, which will include removing 1,700 feet of current sidewalks and
replacing them with wider sidewalks with ramps at each intersection to allow for wheelchair accessibility.
“This project has been on the list for a couple of years, and we were finally able to work it into the budget
this year,” said Mayor David Horton.
“This is an extensive project,” said Radford City Manager David Ridpath. “The ADA compliance – that’s
the biggest consideration.”
The city council also approved an appropriation of $77,995 for a new swift water rescue boat for the
Radford Fire and EMS Department. The new boat can be safely piloted in shallower waters and has a
larger deck for diving personnel to utilize.
The council also approved a series of appropriations for the Radford Department of Social Services for
grant, state, and federal funds in the following amounts:
$37,794- Title IV-E Prevention Services, $5,000-Chafee Independent Living COVID, $18,802-DSS
Admin Staff and Operations, $6,608-Adult Protective Services COVID, $2,478-Medicaid Expansion.
$3,000-Chafee Education and Training Voucher, and $10,197-COVID-19 VHDA Housing Grant.
A presentation on the American Legion building project proposal was deferred until the council’s next
meeting, scheduled for Monday, Aug. 9, 2021, at 7 p.m. in the city council chambers at 10 Robertson St.