Photos by Heather Bell
Belle Heth Elementary School Assistant Principal Ken Keister does a temperature check on a fourth grader Thursday (photo at ), which was the first day of school for Radford City Public Schools. The “Rockin’ R’s” group started classes on Thursday and the Bobcats group had its first day on Friday. Morning drop off includes several school staff members doing temperature checks and making sure students are wearing masks as they enter the school building (photo at ). Families were given three options for education this year: a hybrid schedule with two days a week in school and three days learning from home, a Virtual Virginia option with complete at-home education but still enrolled as a RCPS student, or homeschooling. In the classrooms, students desks are six feet apart, with students facing each other’s backs. Masks are required if six feet social distancing is not possible for the moment and highly encouraged even if social distancing is maintained. All students will be required to wear masks – no medical exceptions will be permitted.