The Radford High School Forensics team won the Class 2 C/D Super-Region competition on Saturday, March 4 and 15 students have advanced on to the State competition, to be held on March 25.
The results at the Super-Region competition were:
Mickey Baron- Fourth Place Impromptu
Justin Anzziani- Third Place Original Oratory
Abbey Napalitano- First Place Original Oratory
Princeton Stevens- Second Place Prose
Amani Scott- First Place Prose
Addie Vice- Fifth Place Poetry
Erin Wilson- First Place Poetry
Caroline Pappas- Fourth Place Storytelling
Summer Fisher- First Place Storytelling
Ali Schepisi- Fourth Place Humorous Dramatic Interpretation
James Riffe- First Place Humorous Dramatic Interpretation
Seth Baron- Third Place Serious Dramatic Interpretation
Ashante White- First Place Serious Dramatic Interpretation
Katherine Woinski and William Johnson – Second Place Serious Duo
Jackson Barnett and Olivia Spaulding – Second Place Humorous Duo