RADFORD – A proposed flood insurance rate map update for the City of Radford is nearing completion.

Flooding is a problem at times in the City of Radford. An appeals process is underway for the new FEMA flood map, which can affect property owner insurance rates.
Before the new map becomes effective, community members have the opportunity to review the updated flood risk data and provide additional technical or scientific data during the official 90-day appeals process that began May 1, 2019.
The City of Radford is participating in the flood insurance rate map change as part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) effort to update maps nationwide to reflect communities’ current flood risk. These updates may have risk reduction and flood insurance implications for property owners, so it is critical for residents to be aware they have 90 days to review the proposed flood maps and identify any concerns that should be raised during the Appeals Process.
The new map is still a preliminary version. Property owners are encouraged to review the proposed Flood Insurance Rate Map to learn about local flood risks and potential future flood insurance requirements, and to identify any concerns or questions about the information provided. To view the preliminary flood maps please visit the FEMA Map Service Center at https://hazards.fema.gov/femaportal/prelimdownload/.
Anyone who believes the modeling or data used to create the map is technically or scientifically incorrect, may submit an appeal, which must include technical information, such as hydraulic or hydrologic data, to support your claim. Anyone who sees incorrect information that does not involve changing the flood hazard-related information – such as a missing or misspelled road name or an incorrect corporate boundary – can submit a written correction, or comment. Anyone interested in submitting a comment or appeal, is highly recommended to first discuss it with the local floodplain administrator, so they can provide guidance on the process.
– Staff Report