An upcoming workshop in Radford could offer valuable information about renting a place to live, or renting out a home to others.
Hosted by New River Community Action (NRCA), “the workshops are for tenants, landlords, friends or anyone considering renting,”according to NRCA.
“Topics covered will include leases, deposits, and payments; repairs and other common disputes, Fair Housing laws and eviction in Virginia – aspects of being a tenant that may seem mysterious until you learn about them,” states NRCA.
Sections of the class include:
Increasing your housing options
Knowing your rights and responsibilities
How to get your security deposit back
Improving or rebuilding your credit
Tips for renting with pets
Having money left over at the end of the month
“The two-hour workshop discusses the expectations of landlords and helps attendees learn their rights, responsibilities and good practices such as how to check their credit score and how to improve it,” according to class facilitators. “Class facilitators do a budget in class and scenarios about how to make tough choices in tight months. We help people learn where their money goes and make sure that rent is a top priority. We help them understand their lease agreements, evictions and fair housing.
“Applicable to anyone, in addition to learning about renting, the workshop also covers good management practices energy saving tips. We teach people how to save money on their utilities by things like remembering to turn off the lights, hanging clothes on the line, and little things like cleaning the coils on the refrigerator. It’s for anyone who’s thinking about renting or would like to be more knowledgeable.”
The Radford class will be held at: Radford New River Community Action, 1093 East Main St, Radford, on Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 11 a.m. and Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 3 p.m. Please register at least one day prior to the date, although registration is preferred but not required for attendance. There will be refreshments and door prizes! Register at