RCPD Sgt. Emily Hite (right) assists representatives from the Montgomery- Radford Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) in delivering bags of personal care items and household supplies to senior citizens in Radford recently. The 14th Annual Supplies for Seniors project was held in conjunction with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service initiative. This project provides approximately 190 home bound seniors and veterans living in Montgomery County and the City of Radford with personal care items and basic household supplies. “Every year we are excited to help RSVP of Montgomery County and Radford, VA with delivering supply bags for seniors in our community,” posted the RCPD on its Facebook page. “We are thankful for the opportunity and can’t to see their smiling faces again.” The RSVP program invites adults age 55 and over to volunteer with agencies and organizations that need assistance.