Two F-22 Raptors from the Virginia National Guard’s 192nd Fighter Wing at Langley Air Force Base are scheduled to fly over Lane Stadium at the start of the Old Dominion game.
The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets will honor its alumni returning to campus by coordinating a flyover of two F-22 Raptors during the Saturday, Sept. 23, football game against Old Dominion University.
Saturday is Military Appreciation Day in Lane Stadium, as well as Corps Reunion.
The U.S. Air Force will send the two aircraft from the Virginia National Guard’s 192nd Fighter Wing at Langley Air Force Base. They will fly over the stadium while the Highty-Tighties, the Corps of Cadets regimental band, are playing the National Anthem.
The flyover is subject to change based on weather and operational barriers.
Fans are encouraged to share their pictures and videos of the flyover on social media using #AFFlyover.
Other events planned during the game include:
Cadets will be collecting donations for the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia, at all gates before kickoff. Since 2001, the Corps has collected more than $200,000 for the memorial and is the largest, non-corporate sponsor of the D-Day memorial.
About 200 Corps of Cadets alumni will march onto the field during the pre-game ceremonies to honor our flag during the National Anthem.
Five airmen who recently returned from a deployment to Syria will be recognized on the field during the game.

Today’s game is military day at Lane Stadium with the Hokies breaking out the star spangled banner VT helmet for the ball game against ODU.
The F-22 Raptor is a stealth tactical fighter aircraft with a top speed of nearly 1,500 mph and a range of more than 1,800 miles. The Raptor performs both air-to-air and air-to-ground missions through a sophisticated sensor suite that allows the pilot to track, identify, shoot and kill air-to-air threats before being detected.
–VT Athletics