Heather Bell
RADFORD – Each year, hundreds of people brave the cold waters of the New River in February to raise money for the Special Olympics.
On Saturday, Feb. 17, the Polar Plunge at Bisset Park “recorded the highest ever number of plungers and funds raised for Special Olympics Virginia athletes” according to Polar Plunge Virginia.
There were 340 plunging participants and more than $99,000 was raised for the cause.
“We’re so incredibly proud of this event that has grown significantly over the past couple of years thanks to an incredible colony of plungers,” Polar Plunge Virginia said in a social media post.
Radford Mayor David Horton participates in the Polar Plunge each year and took to his social media to comment on the event.
“Thank you to everyone who helped raise money and who took the plunge for our Special Olympics athletes,” he said. “Thank you also to Radford City Fire/EMS and Radford City Police Department and the other agencies who helped – without all of you this event would not be possible.”