The Radford Woman’s Club held Reading Is Fundamental fall book distributions at Snowville Elementary School on Sept. 17 and at McHarg Elementary school on Sept. 27.
The books for McHarg’s pre-K students were delivered to classrooms at Grove United Methodist Church because of the school’s remodeling. Seventy-two books were taken to Grove UMC for the students and four teachers.
The books given to the children were ordered from Scholastic Books.They include early readers, starting chapter books, older reader chapter books, non-fiction, and color-and-read books. The children chose their own books with guidance from members of the Radford Woman’s Club and their teachers.
Betty Overdorf and Vicki Tupman are the coordinators of the club’s Reading Is Fundamental program.
The club has its next RIF book distribution scheduled for Oct. 19 from 8:30 until noon at Riverlawn Elementary School.