RADFORD – Junior Art Education major Raeven Harris, of Radford, represented Radford University as the inaugural pre-service board member at the Virginia Art Education Association (VAEA) Winter Conference. She was selected from nominees from across the Commonwealth through the support of Stuart Robinson, Chair and Associate Professor in the Art Department, and Lou Ann Thompson, Adjunct Faculty member in the Art Department. Travel support was provided by the Radford University Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (OURS).
Harris thanked these professors, stating, “without them I would not have had this wonderful opportunity.”
Harris’ had the opportunity to “meet with other preservice members and ask retired teachers the burning questions we had and they helped quell our fears as well as give beneficial advice.”
Harris was able to gain valuable professional development and workforce readiness skills through workshops and feedback on lesson planning, interviewing, and resumes. She said the event was inspirational as “everyone there was friendly, knowledgeable, willing to share and that helped me to think outside of the box to increase class participation and morale.”
At the conclusion of the transformative three-day experience, Harris won a raffle for a handmade book by a member of the community.
Submitted by Radford University