Designed to ensure children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session, Radford City Public Schools is participating in the USDA Summer Food Service Program from June 4 to Aug. 1 Monday through Thursday at McHarg, Belle Heth, Dalton Intermediate School/Radford High School.
In addition, RCPS will host a Feed and Read Program from June 4 to Aug. 1 that will deliver lunches and story time to Riverbend Apartments, Fairfax Village, Willow Woods, Monday through Thursday.
Radford City Public Library neighborhoods will be visited by van Tuesday, through Thursday.
The locations will be closed July 4 and 5.

In Virginia public schools 1.46 million lunches, 49.8 million breakfasts and 1,372,712 afterschool snacks are served on a typical day according to the Virginia Department of Education’s Office of School Nutrition website.
Meals will be provided to all children without charge on a first-come, first-served basis, at these sites and times:
Both breakfast and lunches will be available at Belle Heth, McHarg, and Radford High School for free to any child under the age of 18, and for adults (18 and older), breakfast is $2.00 and lunch is $3.00.
To find a summer feeding program near you, text the word FOOD to the number 877-877. It will ask for a zip code.
Bobcat Backpacks Program will provide weekend bags of food for those in need. Bags will be available at the schools or on the Feed and Read bus on Thursdays.