“Mark your calendar for Radford Reads with Rick Van Noy,” the Radford Public Library announced. “He’ll be speaking about his new book, ‘Borne by the River: Canoeing the Delaware from Headwaters to Home’. Take part in this exciting book launch and enjoy an evening of storytelling about discovery and healing that resulted from a solo canoe journey.”
The event is set for Thursday, May 16 at 7 p.m. at the Radford Public Library.
“Van Noy paddled 200 miles with his dog, Sully – who will also be making an appearance,” the RPL announced.
Van Noy is a Professor of English at Radford University. His books include ‘Sudden Spring’, ‘A Natural Sense of Wonder’, and ‘Surveying the Interior.’ All are available for checkout at RPL. Copies of Van Noy’s books will be available for purchase and signing after the event courtesy of Blacksburg Books.
Staff report