RADFORD – The Radford City Police Department is warning citizens to keep their vehicle doors locked after a series of thefts.
The police department “is currently working a number of thefts from motor vehicles that have occurred in the past week,” the department posted on social media on Wednesday. “The vast majority of the victims have had items taken from their vehicles, most of which were unlocked. We are sending a reminder to all citizens to report any suspicious activity that you witness, especially through the evening hours.”
The department offered several tips to prevent vehicle breaks-ins, including:
Lock your doors and close your windows. Always lock your doors no matter where you park. Even if you are leaving the car for “only a second,” lock all your doors. Make sure all your windows are up as well.
Remove valuables from sight. Secure your valuables in the trunk or cover them up and keep them out of view or take them completely out of the vehicle.
Park in well-lit areas. Parking in a well-lit area where your vehicle is highly visible will also deter thieves, especially if there is constant traffic and other people walking by. Parking your vehicle in a dimly lit, remote area of a parking lot or garage makes your vehicle an easy target.
If anyone sees suspicious activity around vehicles, they are asked to please call the police non-emergency line at (540)731-3624.
Staff report