RADFORD – Since 2021, the Radford City Police Department has been working towards meeting national law enforcement accreditation standards with the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA).
Now it is looking for public input for the accreditation process.
The Radford Police Department issued the following statement about the accreditation process and the request for public input:
“Some of the accreditation work has included ensuring that our policies and procedures for our department are in compliance with nationally recognized standards from CALEA. Additionally, the Radford City Police Department has worked hard to strengthen its partnerships with the Radford community, and we continue to deliver the highest quality law enforcement services to the Radford community that are consistent with the pillars of 21st Century Policing.
“In May 2023/June 2023, the Radford City Police Department will undergo our Initial accreditation assessment with CALEA. The assessment will include both a web-based assessment and a site-based assessment. This assessment process with CALEA is a thorough review of the entire agency and CALEA national law enforcement accreditation is something that only around 10% of all law enforcement agencies across the country achieve. A team of assessors will review all aspects of our agency and develop a report for the 21-member CALEA commission. Based on this report and the team’s findings, the commission will then vote on whether our agency is awarded national accreditation or not with CALEA. I can truly attest that the men and women of this department have worked extremely hard to achieve this level of accreditation with CALEA. We are excited and are looking forward to this challenge in the next few months.
“We need your feedback. An important part of the accreditation process is receiving public feedback on our agency. CALEA has created a public access portal for the purpose of receiving comments regarding an agency’s compliance with CALEA standards, engagement in its service community, and delivery of public safety services. These comments can be in the form of commendations or concerns. The overall intent of the accreditation process is to provide the participating agency with information to support continuous improvement, as well as foster the pursuit of professional excellence. We truly value your feedback in this process and encourage you to submit your comments to CALEA regarding our agency’s performance in the items listed above. Comments can be submitted on CALEA’s public comment portal.
The portal may be accessed at CALEA Public Access Portal, at the following link https://cimrs2.calea.org/1142
Submitted by the City of Radford