RADFORD – Radford City Police Chief Jeffrey Dodson Jr. is resigning, effective July 14, 2023.
According to the City of Radford, Dodson “has accepted a job opportunity which will allow more time with his family.”
Dodson, who has served as police chief for three-and-a-half years, said it “has been an honor and a privilege to work alongside the brave men and women
of the Radford City Police Department.”
“The men and women of this agency are doing amazing work each day,” he said. “I will continue to pray for these officers as they continue to serve and protect the Radford community.”
According to the City of Radford’s statement, “Dodson’s three and half years with Radford have been marked by departmental modernization, creation
of a Community Engagement Unit, peer support program, improved 911 communications, advanced training for officers, upgraded equipment, and helping the department to seek national accreditation process with CALEA. Over the last three years, the department has received state and national recognitions for various programs being implemented at Radford City Police Department.”
Radford City Manager, David Ridpath lauded Dodson for his leadership.
“Chief Dodson’s professionalism, drive, and expert knowledge have been reassuring and a constant for a city manager,” said Ridpath. “Chief Dodson has steadily handled the wheel and advanced the Radford City Police Department over his tenure. He will be missed.”
Radford Mayor David Horton said Dodson’s expansion of community policing has been good for the city.
“We are incredibly thankful for and proud of Chief Dodson’s service and leadership,” said Horton. “His efforts to expand and enhance community policing in Radford have improved relationships for citizens and those who help keep them safe. Serving during the Covid pandemic as well as the national civil issues of the past few years has been challenging and Chief Dodson has done an excellent job managing the uncharted waters we have faced.”
“Chief Dodson is an outstanding public servant and will be sorely missed,” Horton added. “We wish the very best to him and his family as they move for are to the next chapter of their lives.”
Dodson served the Culpeper Police Department for 16 years, moving from Patrol Officer to Police Lieutenant before becoming Radford’s Police Chief in January 2020. He served in various capacities at the Culpeper Police Department. He also had experience as a Communications Officer for Orange County, as well as an Assessor for the Commission on Accreditation for Law enforcement (CALEA). Dodson has a Masters in Criminal Justice Management, a Bachelor of Science in Management and Leadership, as well as an Associate’s Degree in Police Science. He is graduate of the PERF’s Senior Management Institute for Policing (SMIP), Professional Executive Leadership School (PELS), and the FBI National Command Course. Dodson serves as an Executive Board Member for the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police and was appointed by Governor Youngkin to the E-911 Services Board in 2022.
Radford News Journal staff report