Heather Bell
RADFORD – Each year, just one Rotarian per district is presented with the 110 Percent Award, a prestigious club honor that recognizes giving one’s all to the Rotary mission.
This year, Dr. James (Jim) T. Lucas, a Radford Noon Rotary Cub member is the recipient of the award.
At a recent meeting of the Radford club, Rotary District 7570 Assistant Governor Thomas E. Bell, of Christiansburg, was in attendance to present Lucas with the award. Lucas was nominated by Radford Noon Rotary President John Cox, who called Lucas an inspiration.
“Jim is one of our most popular members and as a 60-pus year Rotarian is an inspiration to all of us,” said Cox. “He firmly believes in Rotary. Jim is someone who has modeled commitment by his presence and participation over the long haul, which encourages and challenges others and helps in new member recruitment and member retention.”
Lucas is a retired Virginia Tech professor and a World War II veteran.
According to the Rotary International website, the 110 Percent Award recognizes one Rotarian in each area who has “excelled in carrying out the Rotary Mission by giving 110 percent effort to strengthening their club, increasing humanitarian service and extending Rotary’s public image.”
Other requirements include the nominee having been a Rotarian for at least two years, holding club leadership positions and be on track for leadership opportunities, as well as having “exceptionally performed club and committee assignments, accepted additional responsibilities if asked, contributed to the quality of club programs and service projects, engaged club members and participated in the club public image.”
The Radford Noon Rotary Club is part of Rotary International District 7570, which covers Western Virginia and Northeastern Tennessee with nearly 4,200 members and 81 clubs.
Membership into Rotary is by invitation.
“If you are interested in learning more about our club, come be our lunch guest,” reads information released by the club.
The club holds meetings on Wednesdays at noon at the Best Western Hotel.
Rotary International is ‘a global network of community volunteers united worldwide to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world.”