Andrew Meeks plays “Amazing Grace” on the bagpipes to honor Radford’s 59 fallen soldiers at the Memorial Day service at Bisset Park.
Radford hosted hundred of people for its 20th annual Memorial Day ceremony at Bisset Park early Monday afternoon.
Radford City Vice Mayor Dick Harshberger welcomed guests, and Commander of the Radford Army Ammunition Plant, Lt. Col. James H. Scott III and Virginia Delegate Chris Hurst spoke about sacrifice, memory and community.

A child salutes and holds a flag during Monday’s Memorial Day ceremony.
The Radford High School Choir and Band provided music, a field of crosses honored Radford’s war dead; names were read; a 21-gun salute was fired, and bagpiper Andrew Weeks played Amazing Grace.
The event was sponsored by VFW Post 776, American Legion Post 30, the Dublin-Radford Ruritan, the Vietnam Veterans, The Radford News Journal, Radford Parks and Recreation and the Radford Memorial Day Committee.