RADFORD – The Radford Public Library is continuing a popular program, Crafternoon, in the New Year.
Each Monday afternoon, the library hosts an hour-long crafting session designed to provide fellowship, the sharing of ideas and the extra encouragement sometimes needed to finish a craft.
“Need a little extra boost to finish your crafting project? Bring your supplies to our Crafternoon Delight crafting club for adults,” the library announced. “We specialize in knit, crochet, needlepoint, and other textile crafts, but you are welcome to bring whatever you might be working on. We’ve had such fun seeing participants paint in watercolor, spin wool yarn on a loom, piece blankets together for Project
Linus, and so much more.”
“Do you need to get some ‘thank you’ cards in the mail after the holidays? Even if you aren’t exactly ‘crafting’ but need space for a project, you are welcome to join us.”
Crafternoon will be each Monday in January (Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31) from 1 to 2 p.m.