RADFORD – Recently, approximately half of the known remaining classmates and guests of the RHS Class of 1963 enjoyed attending their 60th reunion at the Radford Recreation Hall.
Lindy’s, a local caterer, fixed a buffet dinner for everyone. It was a great place to take time to visit and talk with classmates. Added touches to the afternoon were songs of the 50’s and 60’s. A big surprise waiting for the attendees in front of the Rec Hall was the sight of member-owned and restored “vehicles of our time!” The classmates appreciated Larry and Wanda Humphrey, Tom and Karol Howell, Larry and Brenda Walker, and Rickey and Joyce Sims for this display from our past.
Extended activities of the reunion included attending the Summer Concert Series at Glencoe Museum, Doowop and MoTown Soul music performed by The Tee Tones. The culminating activity was at BT’S Restaurant for breakfast on Sunday.
Classmates in attendance agreed that the 60th RHS Reunion was our best one, so far. We had time to visit with each other and enjoy the city that we all shared growing up.
By Janet Whitt
RHS Class of 1963