Radford-Fairlawn Daily Bread has received a grant of $3000 from the Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation.

RFDB will use the gift to feed needy neighbors throughout the Radford-Fairlawn area.
“This grant will greatly assist us in reaching those in need of a daily meal as well as regular contact with others in Radford and Fairlawn,” said Dora Butler, RFDB program manager.
RFDB feeds more than100 citizens-in-need each weekday in its own kitchen-dining room operation, and over 50 home-bound citizens through the Meals on Wheels program. Last year, the RFDB organization served over 25,000 meals.
The Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Food Lion, based in Salisbury, N.C. has awarded more than $12 million in grants to provide financial support for programs and organizations dedicated to eliminating hunger.
The charitable foundation has provided more than $12 million in grant funding helping to nourish communities with fresh food for backpack programs, Kids Café’s, and other hunger-relief programs as well as funding for long-term programs, like Radford-Fairlawn Our Daily Bread, to help shorten the lines at food banks.