RADFORD – The Radford City School Board will hold its regularly scheduled meeting this Tuesday, July 11 at 6 p.m. at the Radford School Administration Building.
The board will elect a chairperson and vice chairperson, and Tuesday’s meeting will be the first for newly-appointed interim Superintendent Dr. Roger Collins, who was chosen to lead RCPS while the superintendent’s search takes place to find a successor to former Superintendent Robert Graham. Collins began his educational career in 1983 as a classroom teacher, then served as an assistant principal, principal, assistant superintendent and, from 2003 – 2014, as Superintendent of Nelson County Public Schools. Following that position, he has served as an associate professor in the graduate Educational Leadership Program at James Madison University.
Tuesday’s meeting agenda also includes:
- Meeting opening.
- Call to order.
- Moment of silence.
- Pledge of Allegiance.
- Review & Approval of Agenda.
- Election of Chairperson.
- Election of Vice-Chairperson.
- Appointment of Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Agent and Deputy Agent.
- Recognitions.
- Consent items:
- Minutes.
- Superintendent’s authority to appoint personnel between meetings with communication or notification by the end of the business day to the Board.
- Bills and petty cash reports – June.
- Student Activities.
- Use of School Facilities.
- Other.
- Approval of Consent Items.
- Information items:
- Reports, requests, and/or comments by public, students, and/or school personnel.
This part of the meeting is reserved for public comments regarding items on the agenda (or in regards to Radford City Schools). It is the public’s opportunity to address the Board. You are requested to keep your comments polite and courteous. Speakers are asked to express themselves in a civil manner, with due respect of the dignity and privacy of others who may be affected by your comments. Speakers should be aware that they may be held legally responsible if they make statements that violate the legal rights of others-for example, if statements are made that are defamatory or threatening. Complaints about specific school personnel are best addressed to school administration who will address those concerns as appropriated through existing board complaint procedures. Please remember that you cannot mention specific student names during public comments. Comments likely to disrupt the Board’s work or prompt a breach of the peace are prohibited, and the speaker will be called out of order by the board chair. Please remember that debate during public comments is prohibited. For the record, please state your name and address. Public comments are limited to five minutes per speaker at board meetings. If anyone wishes to make comments, please come to the podium at this time.
- Report of Superintendent.
- School Board Meeting Calendar 2023-24.
- Board Retreat.
- Superintendent Search.
- Thompson & Litton Facility Report.
- Other.
- Reports of Board members.
- New Business.
- Other.
- Action items:
- 2023 VSBA Media Honor Roll.
- School Board Meeting Calendar 2023-2024.
- Safety & Crisis Management Guide.
- Policy Revisions May 2023, Final Reading.
- Other.
- Closed meeting, if needed.
Staff report