RADFORD – The Radford City Fine Arts Show will open on Thursday, May 23 with a public reception from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Radford University Art Museum at 214 Tyler Avenue.
Admission to the reception is free and light refreshments will be available.
The annual exhibition is a juried show featuring works from artists across Southwestern Virginia. The juror for this year’s exhibit is Patrick Shaw Cable, who is the Deputy Director of Exhibitions and Education at the Taubman Museum in Roanoke, Virginia. Cable received his Ph.D. in Art History from Case Western Reserve University, and his dissertation reconsidered the art and life of the French Impressionist Gustave Caillebotte. He has held curatorial positions at the El Paso Museum of Art, the Cleveland Museum of Art, and the Art Gallery of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada. Cable has also lectured and published extensively about the arts.
The Radford City Fine Arts Show will feature more than 50 pieces of original art in a variety of media. Winners will be announced during the opening reception. The exhibit features cash awards for winning artists with a top prize of $500 for best in show.
The exhibition is free and will run from May 23 through June 21, 2019 at the Radford University Art Museum on Tyler, located at 214 Tyler Avenue in Radford, Virginia. Summer gallery hours are Monday through Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. The museum will be closed on Memorial Day.