RADFORD – the National Animal Care & Control Association (NACA) has designated the second week of April each year as Animal Care and Control Appreciation Week, and Radford City Council passed a proclamation in honor of the week at its recent meeting.
“Animal Control Officers dedicate their lives to the health and safety of at- risk, helpless animals, and to the protection of the citizens in the community and respond to calls for service to protect the welfare of helpless animals and pets and rescue them from injury, disease, abuse, and starvation,” the proclamation reads. “Animal Control Officers provide essential community functions including the enforcement of animal control laws, protecting the public from diseases such as rabies, and educating the public on the proper care of the community’s pets.”
“Federal, state, and local government officials throughout the country take this time of the year to recognize, thank, and commend all Animal Control Officers for the dedicated service they
provide to the citizens of the Commonwealth and Virginia recognizes and commends animal control officers for the many dedicated and long hours of service they perform in serving Virginia, and for fulfilling the commitment to providing the highest and most efficient level of customer service.”
“The Radford City Council extends its gratitude and appreciation to Radford’s Animal Control Officers for their continued dedication and professional assistance to the citizens of the City of Radford.”
Staff report