By Marty Gordon
The new year brings plenty of resolutions and getting back in shape is high on the list. Several area fitness experts have tips for those wishing to become more active and possibly lose weight.
Kevin Bowen, owner of Blacksburg Boxing and Fitness, believes individuals need to find something they enjoy and makes them feel good.
“Whether that’s lifting weights for strength, running for cardio or a great full body workout like boxing, you’ve got to do something you enjoy and love,” he said. “Otherwise you’ll get burnt out and it will become a chore, rather than something you look forward to doing every day.”
Fitness, according to Bowen, is supposed to be fun and he encourages anyone to take a shot on themselves and try something new and different.
Blacksburg Boxing and Fitness offers a wide variety of boxing style fitness classes excellent for beginners, fitness, and also the learning aspect of boxing, and will hold an open house today from 12-3 p.m. at hits 115 South Hill Dr. location in Blacksburg.
Pam Peyton at the Christiansburg Recreation Department provides 10 ways to get fit in 2019.
She recommends:
1) Take advantage of fitness classes at facilities like CRD; 2) Hit the courts or take the field; 3) Test the waters; 4) Challenge yourself to an indoor triathlon; 5) Play like a kid again; 6) Pick a 5K for the whole family; 7) Try something new; 8) Walk, run, hike or bike the trails near you; 9) Be active in the gym; and 10) Engage in other aspects of health.
“Group fitness is a great way to get a safe and effective workout. It’s a social experience keeping you accountable and less likely to drop out of the class,” Peyton said.
Those type of classes are offered at both the Christiansburg and Blacksburg recreation centers.
Peyton said a good way to become more active is to exercise as a family.
“Participating in a 5K is a great way to develop a training program and get into a routine. You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment for training and finishing a 5K together,” she said.
The new year can also mean trying something new. Peyton recommended challenging yourself with paddle boarding, pop pilates and goat yoga.
This past year, Christiansburg offered goat yoga three times on the lawn at town hall.
Both Peyton and Bowen said the key is to make resolutions that you will stick with.
For more information on recreation activities to jumpstart your New Year, contact any of the local recreation departments, Blacksburg Boxing or other fitness gyms.