CHRISTIANSBURG – The NAACP Montgomery Co-Radford City-Floyd Co Branch (NAACP MRF) will host a candidate conversation with 9th Congressional Candidate Karen Baker.
Morgan Griffith (R) and Karen Baker (D) are the candidates for the 9th Congressional District. Each candidate has been invited to participate.
The Candidate Conversation will be tomorrow, Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024, at 7 p.m. at Asbury United Methodist Church in Christiansburg.
The Candidate Conversation will allow voters to learn more about Baker’s stance on issues such as healthcare, an inclusive economy, education, affordable housing, and environmental justice. It is open to NAACP members and those living and working in the 9th Congressional District.
For more information about the candidate conversation, to volunteer, or to join the NAACP, visit www.mrfnaacp.org.
NAACP Montgomery Co-Radford City-Floyd Co Branch