Marty Gordon
The owners of Calfee Park in Pulaski have announced more improvements for the coming year. Shelor Motor Mile purchased the park four years ago and have already pumped in $2 million-plus for new seating, press box, concession stands and to the playing surface itself.

Land has been cleared for additional seating at Calfee Park, home of the Pulaski Yankees. To the right of the seating, owners also have plans for a mega-concession area and a party deck near left field.
For the past two seasons, attendance has averaged over 2,000, and owners hope to push the mark even higher.
The future looks bright with the announcement for another 675 seats with the majority being located on the west-side hill above the original covered general admission seating. Heavy brush was cleared along that location earlier this year.
The renovation will also include a new upper concourse along the third baseline featuring a new concession stand, additional restrooms, and a rooftop “party deck” area.
Pulaski General Manager Christina Edney calls it exciting time for Pulaski.
“Businesses are choosing our area to invest and grow. This expansion will only add to the revitalization of the town and help us provide more opportunities for the community,” she said.
The majority of the additional seats will make up a new grandstand with an integrated sunshade canopy. Nearly 75 seats will be handicap and companion seating, spaced throughout the new concourse. A new 3,000 square foot concession and restroom facility will also be added. The area will include a rooftop deck area featuring additional seating and spaces for private parties.
A major goal of the renovation is to make the ballpark more accessible for all fans by bringing the main concourse sections to the same level, minimizing the number of steps required for traveling throughout the ballpark. The new concourse will provide handicapped access from one end of the park to the other, providing easier access to all facilities from the lower historic entrance to the upper south entrance.”
Town officials have also agreed to abandon one lane of Floyd Avenue to allow for the new seating. Floyd will now be a one-way street.
Work is scheduled to begin following the 2018 baseball season.