h’Arts on Main, a festival celebrating local artists and the arts, will be held on Feb. 14 and 15 this year at Great Road on Main, 100 W Main Street in Christiansburg.
This is the third year for the event featuring artists, musicians and special workshops to engage the “young at heart.” The event will be held from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. on Friday and 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. It is free and open to all.
Artists exhibiting and demonstrating at the festival include Susan Brickhouse, Kay Cook, David Ferrell, Aileen Fletcher, Jean Galloway, Pam Goff, Ling Jie Gu, Sue Hossack, Jen Huffman, Frank Hydahl, Pat and Sid Johnson, Sidra Kaluszka, Ruth Lefko, Sally Mook, Holly Moore, Jordan Perfater, Rejane Pratelli, Katy Shepherd, Robert Smith, Jim Stenson, Janice Upham, and Gerri Young.
These artists will offer unique gifts for Valentine’s Day and other occasions and for adorning your home.
The Blacksburg Regional Art Association is sponsoring four hour-long art workshops for children of all ages (minimum age 7) on Saturday. The workshops are 10:30-11:30 Paul Klee Exercise in Line and Color with Michele Walter; 12:00-1:00 Charcoal Drawing with Jesse Burghardt; 1:30-2:30 Create a Collage with Jordan Perfater; 3:00-4:00 Freeform Weaving on a Frame Loom; Express yourself with Jennifer Newcomb.
Spaces are limited so registration is suggested. Visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/harts-on-main-tickets-88303061835 and click on the green button labeled REGISTER to see a full descriptions of the classes and register for a spot. Registration may also be made by emailing hartsonmaininformation@gmail.com .
On Saturday, music will complement the visual arts with musicians including Ebru and Renate, David Curtis, Justin Craig, the Greenwood Recorder Ensemble, and the Blacksburg Ukulele Situation.
A silent auction will run Friday and Saturday until 4:00 pm featuring fine art, classes, and other items. You need not be present to win.

Italian-inspired wines from Villa Appalaccia Winery and food by CrossPointe Catering and will be available for purchase to enjoy while visiting the two dozen artists in their booths.
The festival is a program of the Montgomery Museum of Art & History of Virginia and proceeds benefit the museum. For more information contact the museum at 382-5644 or check the museum website at www.montgomerymuseum .org.