Pam Dudding-Burch
Contributing writer

Students and adults alike enjoy the Annual Book Fair at McCleary where books for all ages will be sold and the community will have an opportunity to purchase books for the school as well.
With either money or a parent present, students can run into the library for an exciting book fair where they can find their favorite books.
McCleary Elementary School will host its Annual Scholastic Book Fair, October 2-6. “This is my fourth year having the fair, although McCleary has had them for as long as I can remember!,” Librarian Karen Jones shared.
The book fair offers specially priced books and educational products, including popular series, award-winning titles, new releases, adult bestsellers and other great reads from dozens of publishers. Popular books include; Molly’s Story, Slacker, Chasing Herobrine and I Survived the American Revolution. Others favorites include: Dog Man, Ranger in Time, Whatever After, Pete the Cat and Elephant & Piggie and Magic Tree House.
“The kids LOVE the book fair,” Jones shared. “They often ask me throughout the rest of the year when we are going to have another one.” Students will be able to shop at the fair during their library times.
The fair will also feature special evening hours on Tuesday, October 3 and Thursday, October 5 from 3:30 to 6 p.m. “Families, faculty and the community are invited to attend this fun reading event that helps inspire children to become lifelong readers,” Jones said.
There is also an opportunity for book fair customers to help the school build classroom libraries by purchasing books through the Classroom Wish List program. “Students will be given a flyer with some of the book fair books listed,” Jones explained. “They will create a ‘wish list’ of books they want to purchase that will go home to parents to make the final decision.” Parents can then send the list back to school to guide the students as they shop.
Jones shared that the Annual Book Fair is the only fundraiser which the library has each year. “This is how we are able to purchase the majority of books we purchase for the library,” she said.
Jones is very excited about a new opportunity this year at the book fair. “We will feature the All for Books™ Program, where students can share the thrill of reading with others by donating loose change to purchase books for those affected by the hurricanes,” she said. The Scholastic Book Fairs® then matches those monetary donations with a donation of up to one million dollars in books from The Scholastic Possible Fund throughout the USA.
Jones is seeking to find an organization that helps restore school’s libraries devastated by hurricanes. “I will be in charge of sending the funds,” Jones said. “It was my idea, as we usually collect pocket change to help build our own library, but I thought it would be better this year to help those that lost everything.”
Jones takes her position as the Librarian to heart, as her email quote is from B.F. Skinner that says, We shouldn’t teach great books; we should teach a love of reading.
“That is what is the best part of the fair for me is seeing kids get excited about books!” Jones exclaimed. “What a great way to generate excitement about reading!”
Everyone in the community is welcome and encouraged to come by and buy books for themselves, their families for gifts or to donate to the school.
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